Monster Lover Chapter 2 Of Order And Chaos

The world I am residing in is called Kosmos.

It only has 1 known continent which is shaped like a gigantic star which is what it is called.

The star continent.

Inside this star continent there are only 2 races that exist or at least thats what the Humans say which are the Monsters and the Humans.

What is considered a Monster ? Well anything that doesn’t look like a Human it seems, by this standard alone you already know that these Humans aren’t very well educated, but it gets worse as religion plays a even bigger part in this that causes this disparity which I am about to explain.

You see, it is said that long time ago this world was created by a single supreme goddess who brought life into existence, this goddess made everything from earth to water, fire and wind, plants to animals, she literally was the sole creator of this entire world treating it like her own little sand box until one day she realized that she couldn’t possibly manage her creation all by herself.

Because of this, the goddess decided that she would split herself in two so she could better manage everything as 2 heads were better then one.

This created 2 separate individuals that both came from the same goddess, one looking like a human while the other looking like a monster with 8 legs and thousand eyes.

Mind you this supreme goddess didn’t have a name other then “supreme goddess” but the 2 newly split individuals did and they were each respectively called “The goddess of order” and “the goddess of chaos”.

Together they worked together to keep the world in balance and keep it well managed just like the supreme goddess wanted them to, but one day the goddess of chaos grew bored of the world and its constant peaceful state.

Adhering to her name she wanted more chaos and randomness which is why she secretly created the creatures that are now know as the Monsters using her own image wreaking havoc in the once peaceful world.

Of course noticing all of this the goddess of order didn’t let it slide just like that, also adhering to her names sake she created her own beings that would keep those monsters in check, using her own image as well she made the humans who would fight those monsters until every single one of them would be gone from the world and order would be set again.

This is how the war of the goddess’s began.

Their once unified goal completely forgotten as they fought with each other for supremacy.

Its at this juncture as well where the fate of the two races really started to take hits from the goddesses once the fight began.

Once again the first to strike was the goddess of chaos, using her power she cursed the creation of her sister by making it so that they wouldn’t be able to reproduce as much and to make it even worse she chose males who were the most physically able and more likely to defeat her creation by reducing the amount they are born from 50/50 to 90/10.

Meaning that only 1 in every 10 child born would be a male, this so called curse caused quite a bit of social change as the positions of males and females became extremely uneven, roles changed as well from the usual patriarchy to a matriarchy essentially turning the world into woman dominant state.

At the beginning the males were treated like high-grade resource for reproduction always needing to listen to a woman and do whatever they are told nothing short of slavery, but as time went on and things started to stabilize with culture evolving males started to gain more rights, they still couldn’t do a lot of things like possess ownership over property or go out without the permission of another woman and without a escort, but at least a man could choose their wife or wives in this world making marriage not too shabby if you had choice of who you wanted to marry.

Cheating is also a topic that heavily favors males, if a wife cheats on his husband it usually met with extreme measures such as immediate divorce plus exile while taking away every single item of possession the woman had, though the process can still be fixed if the man decides he forgive the woman which rarely happens really.

Nowadays almost every kingdom on the star continent requires a male to have at the bare minimum 10 wives and 20 children meaning 2 children for each wife hoping for at least 2 or 3 males.

Adding to the fact that the wives most probably want more then just child rearing sex you can imagine how the day of a male in this world ends with each night trying to satisfy 1 woman a day.

And while this may sound great to a person from the 21st century or a person who comes from a place where woman are rare.

It isn’t really great for the men in this world since sex is mostly treated like a chore instead of a act of pleasure.

A good allegory here would be comparing this to eating sandwiches, eating a sandwich once in a while is great and it is also fine to eat it for a week straight, but as soon as that week passes the sandwich becomes slightly hard to stomach on each consumption and then you desire something different or nothing at all, maybe you want to rest, but you still need to eat, or the sandwich will start to get frustrated…

Hmm…maybe I put it the wrong way, but you get what I mean.

The only time a man ever gets to rest is at Sunday and even then its just being able to sleep alone for a change while still bearing the responsibilities of a man within this world mostly to do with child caring, chores and other menial household work.

A man is expected to stay at home at all times, going out is dangerous as a woman could kidnap that man and do some horrible things to him, firstly rape and second selling that man into the black market where men are treated like real slaves to be bought and sold, the kingdom usual cracks down on these cases hard, but in some secret channels sponsored by the kingdom itself they still exist.

Overall the world is dangerous for men, social structures such as being manly are completely non-existed as men are expected to be weak and cowardly.

I think I am off topic here…

Where was I again ? Yes, the goddess of chaos ! Cursing her sister’s creation she crippled their reproductive ability putting the fight into her favor.

Seeing this and knowing that she was about to lose the war, the goddess of order put her own tricks into the mix and did something similar to her sister’s creation by cursing the monsters as well and making it so that they could never reproduce males ever again essentially dooming them entirely.

Why the goddess of chaos didn’t do this from the very beginning herself wasn’t very well explained and personally I think this story is bogus just like every other religious story.

Though there are theories like the goddess of chaos being the younger of the two which means she is weaker or that since she was the goddess of chaos she always needed to leave a chance of something happening and couldn’t exterminate anything entirely.

There are a lot of these which is why I am not going to bother and simply continue the story.

Now seeing that her own creation the monsters were slowly dying off, the goddess of chaos decided with one last ditch effort to save her creation was to turn a majority of them into half humans, allowing them to mate with human males to reproduce, but since the half human monsters can’t birth males but only females it caused the worth of males to become even more precious then before.

Seeing what was happening and knowing that the goddess of chaos had used every last ounce of her power, the goddess of order also decided to use everything she had for a final act of retaliation.

She pointed her sword towards the half human monsters her sister created and cursed them to be forever loyal to the first human male they ever copulated with plus for some reason also giving the half human monster the ability to birth pure human males, giving humanity one last edge over the monsters but not entirely winning as there were still a lot of pure monsters remaining that weren’t shackled by the curse of loyalty like the other half human monsters were, these pure monsters could still copulate as well but not with human males and instead ordinary animals which was something both goddesses overlooked as these animals were the original creation of the supreme goddess herself when they were still one.

The story usually ends here, with world being how it is, its almost believable, but then again there are glaring inconsistencies like why hinder the reproductive ability of one side instead of just empower one side to the exterminate the other.

Why did the goddess of order make it so that the half human monsters were loyal to the first male human they copulate with if she hated the creation of her sister.

It all just didn’t make sense which is why I can’t help but ridicule this story which so many people in this world take seriously.

As I said before, the disparity between the monsters and the humans is huge because of the religious motivation of each group, the human side worship the goddess of order while the monsters worship the goddess of chaos, humans war with the monsters all the time, holding all 5 points of the star shaped continent, only the very middle which is shaped like a pentagon and has the largest territory is completely occupied by the monsters as they battle with the humans on all 5 fronts, event though this should be a glaring victory when it was 5vs1 somehow the monsters are still going strong not losing one bit but also not winning much either.

At times when I hear or read about the current state of the war between the monsters and the humans, I can’t help but think this was stupid, but at the same time I could also understand why since the half human monsters could only reproduce with human males, to continue their race they needed human males which is why war was the only way to get a precious resource like human males that was already very scarce and rare.

The life of a man was difficult, going alone out and about alone was very dangerous without sufficient escorts and while there were conveniences there were just as many or even more inconveniences that make life difficult for a man.

The only thing that can turn things around somewhat was the day a person turns 15, where one is recognized as a full adult in the eyes of society.

And the day role that person would play in the future be chosen by the goddesses themselves.

About Kakemonoko

Just a normal student who loves to read write and study
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