Chapter 81 Partial End Of The Request

My action was fast and decisive. I wasn’t sure if I was acting on my own decision or on impulse, either way it doesn’t matter. As I activated my plasma sword, the golden blade appeared as the hot radiance twisted the air. The old man was still shaking the cage with the girl inside, not noticing his clear doom about to befall him. The girl in question watched the radiating blade as a fast and precise swing of my arm stopped the old man…

(Clop… Tsssss)

I didn’t need to slow time or stop it to finish this old man off. The only regret I had from this was that I didn’t have enough time to actually let him suffer some more. Even this quick death was already too merciful for this man of pure evil…

With a disgusting sound, the head of the old man fell down onto the ground spurting out blood for a second. I looked at his expression before he died and noted that his face was fully cramped into a crooked frown.

His main body in the meantime was falling onto its knees as the neck part spurted some more blood, like a waterfall finally falling down to its back spurting even more blood.

The girl in the cage looked at the corpse for a second, and then to me. She had a thankful look in her eye nodding towards me not being able to say her gratitude with her own voice.

-The watch in your hand, press the button.

The girl in the cage didn’t understand what I meant by it, but then she suddenly noticed that she was indeed holding a golden watch. She figured what I meant by pressing the button above… and nothing happened.

I closed my eyes for a few moments… was I wrong after all?

-P…l…as…e…..h….al…p… me

The girl said pitifully while looking at me pleadingly. I could see that she was really tired and wounded all over, even talking seemed to hurt her a lot which was miserable to watch.

I started thinking again and wondered why was I here in the first place. It was to find her and bring her back to her father, the real savior here. She didn’t have anything to do with me and the only job I had was to get her. But now that the watch wasn’t reacting, what do I do? The murder that I had committed here was unnecessary and purely made out of bad judgment and impulse. I can’t let my emotions get the better of me. But at the same time, I looked at the little girl once again… she was hurt, starved and tired. The iron bowl that was next to her reeked of some unknown smelly substance that she probably ate to keep alive. Her body was full of scars, some parts were even disfigured. The most notable thing was that she had 2 major disabilities which were her eye and throat. She was able to survive for this long holding onto dear life, she was truly strong…

I stepped towards the cage and crouched down, meeting face to face with the little girl. I pulled off my mask for a moment as I smiled at her gently through the opening of the cage. I then put my hand through it and said:

-You wanna come with me?

Seeing make a gentle expression and holding my hand out, the girl teared up as she nodded to me. She slowly reached out her own scarred hand towards me, finally meeting my touch. I could see her expression ease up a lot as I pulled her out of the cage holding her in a princess carry.


-President, are you alright? We heard some noise in there, is everything okay?

The guard asked while knocking on the door. The girl who was in my embrace tensed up for a bit as she heard the guards on the other side of the door. She was scared. Scared that her dream would end like this?

-Hey little one, you want to see a trick?

The little girl looked at me a bit confused but then again, she stared at my golden eyes which were actually the same as hers. She found herself lost in my eyes that were almost shining and radiating a pure golden color; my expression calming her down.

And as she seem to have flown off into a dream, she noticed that the guards were no longer bothering us or knocking on the door. There no long were any sounds present as everything became still…

-Okay, that trick should have done it

With that said, I started moving towards the door again with the girl in my embrace. I had noticed that she was still moving around, conscious of the things around us and not hindered one bit. She looked towards the door clearly in fear and when I finally opened it, it revealed the statue of those 3 guards standing behind the door. For a moment, the girl was pale to the bone as she saw them and wanting to run away. But not being able to, she wanted to hide somewhere, somewhere safe. But she was unwilling since she felt very comfortable in my embrace, more comfortable than anything up until now. And finally when she realized that the guards were still standing like sitting ducks, she looked at them again in confusion. They weren’t moving or talking, it was as if they were…

-Frozen. Frozen in time. You should be familiar with this trick right?

The girl only now realized what I had done as she looked at me in total disbelief. She wanted to say something but wasn’t able to as we passed by the guards.

I didn’t forget to silence these 3 before leaving so I cut their heads off and put their bodies into the room. I didn’t feel bad about the things that I had done. In my opinion, every person in this colloseum could just burn to the ground and I wouldn’t shed a tear for these scum; they should all just burn into oblivion.

While I was doing that, I didn’t place the girl on the ground and did it while holding her with one hand. She was really light and her body was almost skeletal looking due to being starved and weak for so long. While I was disposing of them, I asked the girl to close her eye for a moment so she wouldn’t be exposed to this any further. Even though she probably got used to these kinds of acts, I didn’t want that to continue. Maybe it was just my dumb selfish wish but the girl in question obliged without any further words as she closed her eye while I cut their heads off.

Finishing with my clean up, I started time normally again and contacted Hestia.

-Young master, there is a small uproar in this place. It seems like the founder isn’t showing up for some reason, should I assume it was your doing?

I felt a proud smile resurface on my mouth for some reason. A bit sick but the old man deserved far worse than this. I told her that it was me without any further information.

-Hmm… very well, does that mean we should move now?

-Yes. Be careful and don’t warrant any unnecessary attention to yourselves. Keep the girls safe too. We’ll meet up at the transportation gate from where we came from.

-Haahh… when did I ever cause trouble for you young master?!

A sarcastic smile crept on my face as I said:

-You know what I am talking about, nothing flashy.

With that said, I cut the connection to her before she could start whining about it. I looked down towards the little girl in my arms; she was looking at me very confused. Maybe because I was making a lot of different expressions like a madman…

-I just talked to a friend of mine. She is very unruly at times so I just told her to cut it out. Don’t worry, you’ll like her when you meet her and she will help you to get better too.

As the girl heard me say it like this, she nodded to me trusting me 100% without a doubt. Even though we had met in a very strange situation, but overall it was pleasant that she trusted me that much. With that thought, I stopped time and started increasing my pace. Not too fast though so I wouldn’t rattle the girl in my arms. She was already hurt badly so another wound opening mid sprint wouldn’t sound good. I could feel that every small injury could possibly kill her without a doubt, making me act as if she was a glass doll which she really was currently… The only hope I had for now was to get Hestia and let her heal her. I wasn’t even sure if it was possible but it’s not like I was a person to give up. The perks of being stubborn and hopeful at the same time, it made you think of ways out instead of self pity which I didn’t like.

While I walked like this, I also noticed that the guards were getting more numerous the more I was going up the stairs. The situation was quite odd but didn’t bother me just yet. The little girl was also sleepy and would always almost nod off in my embrace, making me scared that she wouldn’t wake up. I started talking to her about the things that had happened lately, the people I knew of and about myself in general. She listened quite well and didn’t nod off, just keeping her eye half closed.

And after 20 or so minutes, I finally reached the exit from the colloseum. Looking outside and surveying the area, I found the hut that we came from originally. This was where the transportation gate was located which was basically our ticket home.

I found the hut and walked towards it and went inside, leaving the door open for the others to come in faster. I had a hunch that Hestia’s entrance would be indeed quite flashy.

I sat back against the wall keeping the girl on my lap. Her body was a bit cold so I gave her my jacket before I started time again.


I groaned for a second as I felt my body especially my legs mush into pudding. The burden that had stacked over the course of the day was bad, but at least I felt secure right now.

Seeing my pained expression, the little girl on my lap looked at me understandingly. She probably also suffered from this kind of burden but I wasn’t really clear about her ability yet… Sure enough, she was like me able to control time but to what degree? I noticed that she had only ever slowed time and not stopped it or done anything else with that power… She could have even tried to escape if she truly utilized her ability like I did in the prison.

Thinking about it, her situation was truly like mine back then. This seemed really overly coincidental while the difference here was our age; she was only 8 or 9 while I was 15.


The little girl on my lap shook me for a bit looking at me a bit worried. I could guess what she wanted making me smile wryly:

-It’s alright; I’m just a bit tired. You are probably tired too I guess but don’t worry; we will soon leave this place so just sit and listen.

She didn’t understand what I meant by that but she soon did as the sound of a giant explosion could be heard.


The girl was surprised and confused as she looked outside towards the window and discovered that flaming debris was flying in the air. People were also blasted into the air and some forced into the ground; some even burning up like a candle while trying to put it out by either rolling on the ground or pouring water over their heads. But all of this was in vain as the water simply vanished into steam from the flame. The left them with no other choice but to die in an inferno… The flame wasn’t so simple, if any phoenix flame could be put out like that, then these birds obviously wouldn’t have such mythical existence to them.

And as I looked towards the window, I saw smoke enveloping the whole field as more fire started spreading everywhere. Then a small group of people showed themselves from the smoke and the one who was leading the group was a woman with fiery red hair. Her expression was cold as ice, not fitting her hot temper and burning aura, but promising death for anyone who was foolish enough to cross or hinder her path. Haa, even when I told her to not be so flashy…

The girl that was sitting on my lap felt very restless as she looked at the burning hot woman that was coming towards us, thinking that she might blast us with her flames. But I knew better so I told her:

-Don’t worry, she is our friend. Remember the one I told you about…?

The girl was obviously baffled but felt reassured once again as she believed in what I said, but not quite convinced in her heart as she snuggled in closer to me.

And with that done, the door finally opened as the first to come inside was Hestia. She looked around the room finally meeting my eyes and seeing the little girl that was on my lap, hugging tightly scared of letting go…

Hestia temporarily looked at the girl in anger and with regret flashing in her eyes, but only momentarily as she stepped aside letting the others in. Christina who came in second didn’t waste a single second as she started to chant the incantation for the transportation gate. The others coming inside could only wait as they looked at their new companion who was sitting on my lap. The little girl wasn’t meeting anyone’s gaze, feeling way too intimidated by them it seemed.

-Should have roasted them more slowly and painfully…

Hestia commented out loud with a bit of disdain mixed into it, as she stepped towards me keeping a low gaze at the little girl.

-I know, I thought the same thing but sometimes death doesn’t hold a schedule for those who really need it.

Hestia and my conversation was short lived and was pretty blunt too, making some of the girls who were standing by us make complicated faces. But deep inside, almost all of the girls agreed with those words, they just didn’t say it out bluntly.

-Master Dawn, the transportation spell is ready. I need the location and your hand please. Everyone step inside of the circle, we will be leaving now…

I sighed and raised myself for a moment holding the girl in both hands. I walked towards Christina and gave her my hand, thinking about the location I wanted to go which was basically my home the Edict.

The rest of the crew also quickly stepped inside of the circle and while we were doing that, I could hear the sounds of numerous footsteps coming towards us. They were roaring for us to stop, promising death if caught… It didn’t faze or make me feel threatened as Hestia opened her palm and shot out a giant fireball through the door, stopping a lot of the guards by burning them.

And with that, Christina finished the incantation using my hand to transmit the location. A bright light surged through my vision as I felt my mind slip for a moment. We had been transported and I would surely not like what would come after we arrived…

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6 Responses to Chapter 81 Partial End Of The Request

  1. SenjiQ says:

    Thanks for the chapter


  2. nalilygaw says:

    thanks for the chap. . . . and damn give me some more hahahaha


  3. vtkun says:

    thanks for the chapter /o/o/


  4. blastaf says:

    Thanks, awesome chapter !


  5. ArkAngel says:

    Thanks for the chapter.


  6. gospelkiru says:

    So its not a hard time.



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