Chapter 71 The Fallen

Michael hearing my words fumed out of anger as he threw away his broken sword. He then summoned a sword made out of pure light in each of his hand. With that, he roared a war cry and jumped at me. But while he was doing so, I had already stopped time as I swung my sword in 2 specific areas stepping behind him before starting time again.

As I did so, Michael stopped mid step while holding his light swords which instantly disappeared from his hands. He stood like that for 7 seconds until blood started streaming from his back, sullying his beautiful pure white wings with blood stains…

-… Uhh… hukk…

Michael kneeled down for a second as blood continued to flow down his back. You could finally see that deep cuts starting to appear on the parts where his wings were once attached to him. He was gnashing and smashing the ground with his fists but it couldn’t lighten his pain as his two wings finally fell down onto the ground with a heavy thud.


I started walking towards him while holding the weapon for his execution. He slightly turned towards me with a small smile of disdain, but no fear showing. I could see that he never feared the aspect of death as he was after all, a veteran warrior who had more than once looked death in the eyes and survived through it. He knew that death was coming as I strolled towards him with a cold expression on my face. He didn’t even yelp when his wings fell down showing his endurance, it was truly a shame that such a man had turned out like this. But I wasn’t going to mourn after him because the only actions that count are those that are made now, not in the past.

-You toyed with me from the very beginning, didn’t you? Making me say things and answer questions that you needed answers to. You led me into a trap of false security as you laid out the whole plan in your head… For that, I have to applaud you young warrior. Or should I call you Demigod? No, you are a mortal. How about hero? But at the same time, it’s wrong too because the good ones don’t eliminate other fellow good ones. So calling you a villain is more suitable isn’t?

He looked at my eyes for a second with a smile on his face. But when our eyes were locked into each other, he paled and shivered from fear for some reason and looked the other way. Odd…

-Spare me your philosophy and just tell me who had sent you here?

-Why should I? You are going to kill me regardless and even if I tell you, it won’t make a difference because you can’t beat someone like the creator. It is fate that…

With quick movement, I held the tip of the plasma sword behind the angel’s throat. One slight movement was enough to behead him. I had already noticed that all of his powers were gone when his wings were cut down, his superhuman strength and speed was now disabled rendering him into a normal person. I didn’t know if he was going to resurrect after death but I assumed that resurrection was really power consuming. Thinking about the way Chronos explained it to me, it was worth killing him.

-Didn’t I just change the fate you had foretold me Michael? I can see that even Gods aren’t all mighty. Your sword was just cut in two by mine, so isn’t this enough proof for you to realize that not everything is set in stone?

Michael looked towards the tip of the plasma sword and didn’t answer my question; he just closed his eyes waiting for his death.

-Just kill me. I have already failed my creator becoming a traitor myself; I deserve the punishment 100 folds…

His words reverberated in my ears and I could tell that he wasn’t lying when he said that. He truly believed in every word he had said so far and accepted his death so easily… so pathetic and disgusting… All of a sudden, anger surged in my head and after that, a loud ringing sound could be heard in my head. What… what was happening?

As I was starting to think like that, the clavicula forcefully got summoned in front of me causing a bright light particle effect. There were newly made scribbles on the book which I hadn’t notice the last time I had seen it, they must be new… Other than that, the book was floating in the air shaking heavily. It then suddenly opened up, rushing through the pages and finally stopping at a random blank page. After that, a dark hole opened up inside of the page rushing out numerous amounts of chains.

I quickly stepped back fearing the chains were about to attack me, but it wasn’t the case. Instead, the chains started to entangle Michael from head to toe. Michael was fully chained up after a few seconds, he then made a wretched cry as the chains started to squeeze and constrict him. It wasn’t killing him but I could tell the chains were doing something very different…

As I was watching this in confusion, Hestia was already standing next to me looking at Michael with a nostalgic gaze and a bit of hatred. But overall, it was as if she was remembering something while looking at him. I wanted to ask but I felt like the answer was soon going to reveal itself, and it did.

I looked back towards Michael who was still being squeezed by the chains but not dying. At the same time, his back where his white wings once grew started to emit a dark fog. The chains that were squeezing him also looked like they were being absorbed by Michael; or rather the chains were trying to invade him while Michael was doing his best to resist. But in the end, Michael couldn’t do anything but cry in agony as the chains fully entered his body. The dark fog on his back also suddenly expanded wide forming into a shape of twin wings. Michael cried towards the sky and it sounded like the heavens were about to shatter from his shout. As the wings made out of dark fog disappeared, it was replaced by a pair of dark wings. Michael was left whimpering on the ground with dark wings protruding from his back and nothing else…


I was speechless for a second… what the hell just happened? I looked towards the clavicula and it was still floating in the air. When I started approaching it, it suddenly started to fall down. I quickly caught it mid-air, not closing it completely but looking inside. To my surprise, the blank page was full of text titled as…The Fallen Archangel Michael.

It showed an illustration of Michael with his information. His abilities and personal information such as personality and what he had done in the past were all there. Overall, it covered everything about him in a very detailed manner.

While I was looking at the clavicula, I was honestly amazed. Hestia didn’t seem like she was pleased as she started to walk towards Michael with heavy steps and a sadistic smile. She stood before him and told him:

-Congrats! You are now one of the 72 demons… no you are the 73 should I say. Let me welcome you, the jackass Michael with this!

As she finished her words, Hestia raised her right leg and kicked Michael in the stomach. This kick made him fly towards the other end of the room crashing into the wall with a loud sound, leaving behind a huge crater. When he finally slid down from the wall, he seemed fine but the way he was acting showed that the kick hurt like hell. For a second, I was slightly terrified of Hestia when she turned towards me with a bright smile…

-YOUNG MASTER! You came back for me!

Hestia jumped from her position and hugged me with a laugh. Through our bond, I could feel that she was really happy and excited right now, almost as if she was about to explode…

-Okay okay okay Hestia, enougmhf. You’re going to choke me to deathmhf…

She was actually hugging me while shoving my head into her huge breasts…

-Hehe… so does that mean you don’t like this feeling…? Then how about I give you my real reward after we get to your place?

She said a bit seductively. I felt my cheeks warm up but I beat it down and just pushed her away. She didn’t seem too displeased when I did that, more like she was rather motivated by that action as she stood up straight flexing her chests up high… This woman…

I shook my head helpless for a second… I looked towards Michael who was still holding his stomach. You could see a slight spurt of blood oozing from his mouth but I could tell he would live. And I also noticed that I had a bond with him now… I guess this was the case when I saw the book, it seems like the clavicula had bound Michael making him become one of the 72 demons… no it’s 73 now isn’t it?

I ignored him for a second now that he was under my control. I wasn’t worried about him doing anything stupid or go against me; I was more interested in his reaction than obedience. Instead, I looked towards the pile of rubble that was at the end of the room. I could feel someone was behind that rubble the whole time we were here, and I could guess who it was judging from the room.

-Chase? Come out, it’s me James. I have defeated the guy and he is harmless now.

I could hear her flinch for a second as she slowly peeked her head out of the rubble. She was injured in a few places but she was alright. Not that I cared but she was the one who was supposed to give me the ticket so I had to care somewhat.

-Master James… is that you? Did you really defeat that monster?

She looked around scared and when she realized that Michael was just 6 meters away from her, she shrieked. But she also noticed that he was wiggling in pain and quickly ran towards my side, hiding behind my back as if I was her superman…

-Chase, he is no longer a threat so calm down. Other than that, I wanna know why he came here. He said that he was here for the ticket but you told me that it would come after 2 days…

I looked into Chase’s eyes for a second coldly. When she heard my question, she once again shrieked in horror. You could see her face going pale for a second. Hestia on my side was snickering again looking towards the scared Chase.

-Now, are you going to answer me?

I kept pressing on as I took a step towards her. She also took a step back while trying to avoid my gaze. I could see slight regret and guilt coming from her and after another few seconds, she finally couldn’t take it anymore and prostrated herself in front of me.

-Uhmm, I’m sorry… this lowly whore had actually lied to you great master. To be honest, the ticket was here the whole time. The reason I didn’t tell you this earlier master, was because I wanted to spend more time with you oh great master. But now I realize that such a lowly woman like me cannot possibly be in your presence… please spare this lowly whore as I beg forgiveness.

She was shaking really violently while doing this. Like hell you wanted to spend time! More like seduce me and try to show off in front of your sisters…

I sighed and shook my head. This slight movement made Chase even more afraid as she started to shake even more, and then…


I could hear the sound of something leaking and when I looked towards Chase, I could see yellow liquid coming from her; it was slowly expanding into a puddle where she was prostrating herself. As she was shaking even more, her head was also going bright red. When Hestia saw this, she started to laugh hysterically holding her stomach because of it.

Jesus Christ… wait no, scratch that…

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2 Responses to Chapter 71 The Fallen

  1. vtkun says:

    thanks for the chapter /o/o/o//o


  2. Kryzin says:

    Thxs for the chapter.


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