Chapter 70 Archangel

The golden light stream radiated from the handle as I started walking towards those 3, who had a pretty ferocious expression on their face. Their silver swords were stained with fresh blood but there was no smell in the air anymore because time had stopped, meaning everything had turned into a zero, even smell was like this which was interesting.

I wasn’t in a hurry and instead of finishing them off, I started examining them closer. Their clothing was pure white and had a lot of insignia’s on them such as crosses and other unknown crests. Golden threads were used on their clothing which made their overall equipment look very good. The only thing that I was confused about was how they got inside here; even Hestia could feel Chase’s sisters from miles away but not them…

After a few minutes, I stopped what I was doing and just finished the business making one swift swing at each of them. I started walking up the stairs, feeling the disgusting squishy gore under my boots as I started time again.


I took a slight glance behind me; the 3 were stuck at their positions not moving as if they were statues. I had seen this happen a dozen of times so I wasn’t interested in seeing them explode. The reason I would always do this same move was because I wanted to be sure they were dead.

And like so, with a swish sound, streams of blood started to ooze from their bodies and cuts started to appear out of nowhere. At least that’s what they were thinking.

-Hahaha, you have bested us sullied one, but our prophet will show you the holy way to forgiveness…

I cut into her speech:

-There is no such thing as the holy way you fool; can’t you see it now that you’re dying?

I asked the woman who gasped for a second as she laughed lightly, her expression turned into a soft one as she said ironically:

-You are right… I… was truly… stupid… wasn’t I?


And with those words, her upper body exploded into a fountain of blood. I could see some regret in her eyes but they were already starting to lose their original blue color. I didn’t look at it anymore and just looked up towards the stairs… this could take a while for others but not for me.

I started to run a bit faster while slowing down time. While I was doing so, I could feel the distance between me and Hestia shrink every step I took. And like so, I finally reached the second floor. While I was walking up, I noticed more of these psychos with the white robes walking around shooting their guns at the staff personnel. Just for the sake of it, I just kept on cutting through them one by one as I walked by them. I knew that if I started time again, there would be a pool of blood in this vicinity. Well, not like anyone can prove I had done it nor could anyone actually see me right?

And with that thought, I finally arrived at the door the female slave had told me about. When I arrived, I saw 3 guys with a different kind of uniform standing guard at this place, holding great swords instead of long swords. Well, they weren’t a problem as I cut through them and went inside the room. The first thing I saw inside was an… angel?

I started time normally again and as I did that, the winged man with the large sword turned around to me in surprise because his was originally turned away from me. I didn’t notice Hestia who was standing in front of him at first. But upon closer look, she was still in her human form yet she was in her full on battle mode as crystal flames were surrounding her. You could see those flames form a shape of a large bird, a phoenix, while Hestia stood as the centerpiece of it. Her eyes were glowing orange and her long red hair also glowed while fluttering in the flames that were dancing around her.

-Who are you sullied one? I had not seen thy enter the room.

The winged man spoke as he fluttered his wings, very suddenly blocking the large fireball that Hestia shot at him while he was speaking to me. His wings managed to extinguish the roaring flames by creating a large gust of wind. He didn’t even turn to her while blocking the attack, and Hestia didn’t hesitate to attack him while she had the chance to do so.

While I was just observing them, the aura of the winged man suddenly changed as anger flooded into his facial expression.

-SPEAK sullied one! I am already giving you face by allowing you the honor to talk to someone like me before your death, now answer me: How did you get inside here and where are my followers?

Hestia was looking at me a bit worried and nervous. She probably thought that I was about to get blasted or sliced up by this guy, but that wasn’t the case for now so I looked closely at him.

He stood almost 7 feet tall and held a large sword in his right hand. His clothing was also white with red lines and golden strings attached to it. He had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and had 3 different sized halo’s floating up and down above his head. They weren’t touching each other directly; they were just hovering there at the same wave length. The most eye-catching feature of his was of course his wings, which were 8 feet long each. They weren’t fully stretched out but had slightly folded in him to allow him some room. His overall appearance was that of a handsome big man and the air around him reminded me that of a king, a bit intimidating. But I wasn’t scared of him of course.

-Who are you?

I asked ignoring his first question, which made him narrow his eyes for a bit as he looked at me. Because he could only see my eyes under the mask, it was unknown to him what kind of expression I was making while asking him in a flat tone.

The winged-man made a mocking smile for a second as he started lightly laughing. I also took the chance to take a glance towards Hestia again to see if she was injured or not. It seems like she was alright, even though I could see a giant crater in the wall behind her which did worry me a bit…

-HAHA. You are amusing, sullied one. But I shall regardless introduce myself! I am the Archangel Michael! I am also called Saint Michael if you like… haha.

He laughed coldly while staring at me. And while he was doing that, I started thinking about who he could be because for some reason I knew him from somewhere… where was it… wait…

-Are you the guy from the bible who defeated Satan?

My question for some reason made the guy even more amused as he started to laugh even more while holding his stomach. Hestia seemed a bit confused but regardless, she used that timing to shoot out 8 different fireballs at the same time. I could even feel the heat from here which already shows you how hot those balls really were.

As the angel continued to laugh, he didn’t look at the 8 large and powerful fireballs as he just raised his left hand opening his palm. And when he did that, a golden barrier appeared behind him colliding with the 8 fireballs and completely nullifying the impact and explosion. Hestia was sour by the complete effortless way of blocking her strong attack, but she was not defeated yet as anger started to ignite in her eyes. Her flames started to rage even more becoming pure white, reaching a ridiculously high temperature…

-Yes mortal, I am the so-called guy from the bible if you want to call me that. The mortals have done a good job of depicting the way I had defeated my brother, but in the end this doesn’t matter since I have already figured out who you are!

I was a bit wide-eyed for a second as he announced that… could he have seen through my mask? Maybe he really was an Archangel or something. Would he be the opposite of arch-fiend? I really don’t know what they are capable of; I’m just going to assume that this guy has a similar amount of strength as Leraje.

-I have heard of you false prophet, you are the champion of evil, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You have deceived many people with that striving for your quest to release the child of destruction that will bring the end of this world. And for this sin, I will have you feel the cold steel of my blade for I am the bringer of justice and peace. Haha, don’t look so surprised. I have figured out who you are by sensing your evil essence. You also have some part of divine essence on your body, maybe an item you have stolen, who knows. But know that today is the end of you! I will take the so-called “Ticket” and kill the child of destruction and then…

His first few sentence shed some light to the mysteries but I had no idea where he got the idea that I was some kind of devil worshiper. But at the same time, it wasn’t important to me. It’s not like I am Christian… well, I have read the Bible but only because it was a nice piece of literature and nothing else.

While I was thinking so, I quickly cut onto his annoying righteous speech and asked him one question I was curious about:

-Why did your men kill all those people?

He stopped talking for a second, a bit displeased by my sudden cut in his “oh so amazing speech.” But he let it go and just made a smug face, the air around him once again turned haughty as he spoke with his chest puffed out; with a clear voice of disdain, he said:

-Those people have sinned, that’s why I am giving them a chance to redeem themselves in either heaven or hell. They will be punished for the deeds they’ve done and the life they’ve led. This is their retribution for tainting themselves in this world!

My gaze turned very cold as I looked at him a bit baffled.

-There were people among them who were innocent of all of this, but your actions have made them involved. Even your subordinates aren’t clean. What they are doing is sinning too, which doesn’t make sense if you compare it with your words…

Note to myself: Never let Stella go near any churches or priests.

When I said this, the angel didn’t seem to care as he just shrugged his shoulders and pointed his overly large sword at me. Hestia seemed to be gnashing her teeth as she saw that action, and once again channeled a large fireball which was pure white, almost blinding to the eyes. It scorched the ground to oblivion as it flew towards the archangel who made another very displeased face. I could see drops of sweat on his forehead… it seems like he’s having a really tough time handling Hestia. And on top of that, I think he is a bit arrogant talking to me while he created an opening, believing he can handle this easily which he obviously couldn’t. He turned his head towards me as he replied to me:

-HAH! You mortals are all simple-minded and lowly fools! You don’t understand the greater good we do for this world for it to keep existing, you can only complain while hiding in your miserable shadows. This action alone is worthy for your death mortal, so be obedient and take the fate that had been prepared for you all along!

With that said, he howled in anger as he flapped his pure white wings taking a step forward and leaping towards me. He held his large sword in one hand as he approached me in almost sonic speed. He truly was the fastest opponent I’ve ever seen. Hestia seeing his action started to get anxious from the very beginning, she only stood at that one position and I couldn’t understand why until I realized that something was keeping her there, locked but not disabled. It also hindered me from communicating with her which was also a bummer. But now when she saw me getting attacked, she tried everything she could to get freed from the cage that was locking her up. And as the angel was only 3 meters away from me, she closed her eyes as tears were falling down. Her flames started to die out in that very instant as she held her ears to block all sounds of despair…

I didn’t bother moving at the moment and only watched the angel approach me while I was holding the plasma sword handle without drawing it. I could see the angel pulling his sword back for a simple cleave. He was thinking to end this fight in one clear swing of his sword and it was even faster than his movement, almost exceeding sonic speed and going into sound speed territory. And with that said, his sword made one flashy cleave as dust started surrounding us in a thick curtain from the aftershock.


The angel stood still for a second, almost frozen. You could hear the sound of something metallic falling down onto the ground. It was heavy too making a shallow sound.

Hestia, who seemed to be in the depth of despair suddenly opened her eyes in confusion. She didn’t seem to understand why she was still here and as if remembering something, she quickly looked towards us. As the thick curtain of dust started to settle, it revealed 2 individuals standing very close to each other. The one with the wings was holding onto a broken sword that had its blade part cut into two, while next to him stood a youngster holding something like a jet black handle from which a golden stream of light appeared. This golden light seemed to be the reason the huge sword was cut in half.

Both the angel and I stood in our positions. I still haven’t moved from my original position and had only activated the handle when he had swung at me. Of course he could have changed the trajectory of his swing to avoid the plasma sword but he didn’t, he was so sure about his win that he thought that his sword was enough to subdue me with pure force. In the end, it didn’t since his other end of the sword laid on my left side, cut off without any resistance. We stood like that for a few seconds before the angel started shaking his head, his eyes and mouth showed full disbelief as he jumped back, keeping a distance between us.


He was furious and you could see spit coming out of his mouth while he was roaring. With his bloodshot eyes, even his halo was going up and down rapidly as he stood there panting heavily. I just stood there, taking a slight glance towards the broken pieces of a sword on the ground and asked him with a slight smile:

-You know, it seems like I had changed my fate just now doesn’t it?

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2 Responses to Chapter 70 Archangel

  1. vtkun says:

    thanks for the chapter /o/o/o/o/ need moaaaar


  2. Kryzin says:

    Thxs for the chapter.


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