Chapter 64 Ice And Nova

I was currently standing in front of my room. As I held onto the doorknob, I could hear the sound of the women chatting amongst each other. I could even hear Hestia’s voice laughing for a bit as I opened the door.

As I walked into the room, I could see the women sitting on the bed, some smiling and some laughing. When they noticed someone walk in, they seemed a bit panicked until they realized it was me. Easing up for a bit, Hestia also turned around facing me. This time she at least wore that red robe she created, but I could still see the obvious silhouette of her nipples which looked very erect to me for some reason, as she smiled at me sweetly.

-You have returned young master; did you like your walk?

I just nodded to her as I moved towards the couch. Pulling off my jacket, I noticed the room was 2 times hotter since I left it, and just now, it became even warmer. For a moment, I thought it was just me until I realized it may have something to do with Hestia sitting here.

I lay down onto the soft couch and thought of taking a nap. It was now way past sunrise so taking a few hours of sleep was good, and Chase wouldn’t start pestering me while I was asleep so it was perfect.

I blinked for a second and noticed that Hestia was sitting next to me on the edge of the couch. I was a bit puzzled how she was able to get near me without me knowing it, so I checked the bond between us. I realized I actually did know she came near me but I didn’t try to hinder that. It seems my subconscious just decided it was fine that she came over here even without me knowing it, which made me a whole lot more disturbed.

-First of all, stop calling me young master, just Dawn is fine.

I whispered to her in a low voice. Since the very beginning, I could feel the stares of the women sitting on the bed. They were all really shy towards me and I couldn’t see any hate or disdain in their gaze, they also acted as if I was a rare breed of a cat, very delicate, afraid that I would break like glass or run away if they did anything wrong, which I obviously wasn’t.

Hestia smiled at me teasingly and I could feel myself heating up. No… the air around us was really heating up another 2 degrees…

I turned my sight towards the very alluring woman with the red robe, which almost did nothing to hide her godly body. But I was really fortunate to have a very high amount of self-control from all the years of imprisonment; I also never masturbated because Stella would be always beside me making me a whole lot more uncomfortable. So, I forced myself over the years to block every kind of sexual thoughts. I mostly handled it by ignoring everything that has to do with sex altogether, turning myself into a busy mind doing anything to keep the “demons” away from my thoughts. But right now, it was really hard to keep up because she was the most forceful kind of woman I have ever met, making me feel as if the walls that I had built around my head were slowly starting to crumble.

-What do you want…?

I asked a bit too forced, making the red-haired tall beauty raise her eyebrows at me as she leaned closer to my body. Leaning onto my chest with her bosom, her nose was almost touching my mask. I slightly looked the other way to avoid eye contact. She was already too close to me and if I started to push her away, who knows what the other women will think or say to Chase later on, so giving them this image was much better.

As Hestia got even closer towards me, I could feel the air of her slight breathing entering my right ear. It was a bit ticklish but I didn’t care much about it as she started giggling, forcing her embrace on me. Additionally, she was even pressing her chest onto mine. I could also feel sweat dripping from my forehead as the temperature was rising, I didn’t know if it was the room or myself but I knew it came from her…

-When you left for a walk earlier, I could sense 3 other individuals nearing the perimeter. They are strong but not on the level to be able to fight me, it would be wise for your safety young master, to stick to me at all times until you get the item you desire so much.

Her voice was very caring as she held onto me, and the info was also helpful and all but I had one problem with her way of speech, as if she was expecting me to be weak… so I asked her:

-Did you ever figure out how I escaped your embrace?

I smiled a bit mockingly. It’s not like she could see it but my tone gave it away. As she looked at me a bit confused, in the next second she realized something and suddenly mounted me, locking my hands and legs with her own body. The strength was really something you couldn’t scoff at because it was unreasonably too strong for a normal human being; of course I knew she wasn’t a human to begin with. Hestia smiled a very seductive smile at that too, as she started to stroke her leg against mine. I was glad I still wore the mask.

-I want to see if you can do it again without me noticing, young master… It would be truly astounding to see you do it again; I may as well give you a reward if you do… Of course, even if you can’t, I can still give you your reward…

(Knock Knock)

Suddenly, someone on the other side started to knock on the door, which was followed by a voice:

-Master James, Mistress Chase is reminding you of the dinner.

The women who were all sitting on the bed were starting to quickly strip their clothing out of panic. They were all quiet up until now, watching me getting molested by Hestia. And at this very moment, I stopped time.

I pushed Hestia away from me, accidentally touching her bosom which felt really soft… Anyways, I pushed her away and started to quickly adjust my shirt back to its original place. I didn’t notice that she was halfway through getting up, and after I finished, I quickly put on my jacket and stood before the door, before starting time and opening it.

-Yes, I will be out in couple seconds, could you please wait here.

The woman who was standing outside the door nodded to me a bit fearful while looking down as I closed the door on her.

I looked towards the wall where the clock was hanging and realized it was already 6 o’clock, time sure passed very quickly I thought.

-How did you…?

Hestia was sitting on the couch wide-eyed for a second, having no clue how I got away from her and moved towards the door. I also smiled out of amusement seeing her baffled. For the first time, I could finally knock her off her high horse.

-We are leaving Hestia, turn into something more presentable please.

-Hey, aren’t I presentable enough for you?!

She jumped up showing off her curves. The robe did almost nothing to hide them, more like sticking onto her body and enhancing them… Staying with her was doing much good to my mind.

I turned around holding the door knob.

-You know what I mean, bird or human, you choose but be discreet about it.

With that said, I walked out of the door meeting the female slave who was surprised to see me that quickly.

================Hestia’s P.O.V==================

As he told me, that I saw him leaving the room giving me some privacy. Not that he needed to do that, I actually didn’t mind either way to be honest. I’d rather have him stay by my side watch me…

I sighed; I really don’t know what to think of him. He was the first person ever to have successfully summoned me through the requirement and at first, he seemed a bit cold but I could tell later on that he had his own moments and didn’t try to mingle with things that didn’t benefit him nor concern him. He was a fair man or should I say a fair boy? His eyes were golden, they were shining very faintly as if sucking me in, I really liked that about him. He also had medium long black hair which was tied into a ponytail, but I couldn’t really see his face. That would probably come after this task he has, and judging from his skin and smell, he was very young, that’s why I call him the young master. I could also sense that I wasn’t the first one that was summoned by him; I could feel another 2 individuals he had summoned through the requirement. But I didn’t quite know who they were or where they were, leaving the master alone is really irresponsible of them. But at the same time, I could guess why the other 2 weren’t here, the young master probably insisted on going alone, he had strength, that was true. Not even I could tell what he did to escape my restraint, which made me even more curious about him. But trying to force him too much is not good, I already learned from my previous conduct that he can be a bit touchy to some subjects like his parents, which he probably didn’t have. And overall, he was kind to the people who were near him or with him, he also took pity on those who were in need and helped them somewhat. He truly could judge what was enough and what was too much, but in the end, he was also a young master. He would learn much more growing up, but until then, I will be happy accompanying him, looking at him, admiring his acts and achievements… because he was my first one, not the perfect one or the worst one, but the most decent one, I just knew.

I glanced at the women that were sitting on the bed. They truly seemed miserable but they were desperate, it was no wonder they were reduced to this state. And I also knew what they were trying to do so young master would notice them… I didn’t like the idea of sharing but I was a phoenix, justice is my nature and to be fair, it was currently trying to collide with my woman feelings. So I turned to them and told the blonde one who seemed to be the leader, a piece of advice:

-If you want him to accept you, then you will need to be of use to him.

The blonde haired woman seemed wide-eyed but understood what I was trying to say, and nodded her head. I could see a flame ignite in her eyes; this shall be more interesting in the future.

The young master had worries and fears but he had a strong mind and spirit, which I thought of greatly.

As I thought like that, I started willing my powers changing my outfit for him… Oh, I will show him presentable.

==================Dawn’s P.O.V==================

I stood beside the female slave next to the door, waiting for Hestia. Honestly, it would be much easier for her to change into a bird but knowing her for a little while, I already understood that was impossible; she was stubborn, arrogant, and prideful about herself. She didn’t seem to look down on others but she judged people who were below her status ruthlessly. I could see she was kind, but had a limit to it. Her mood swings were also like any other woman I’ve met so far, other than Sera.

(Click Click)

I could hear the sound of the door opening and as I turned around to look at Hestia, I was a bit astounded.

-Am I presentable enough for you now, young master?

I stared at her for a second looking over her clothing; which she had on a jacket with a normal shirt under it and dark red jeans; her boots were also a dark red in color and overall, she looked fine until you realize both of us were wearing the exact same thing but with slightly different colors…

I face palmed for a second and just waved at her not caring anymore, I’d rather have her in that outfit than a mini skirt revealing her legs and becoming a potential beacon. Her top was okay, but I could see that she made slight changes in the outfit such as making it a bit smaller so her body curves would still be visible. Other than that, everything was fine I guess.

(Clack Clack Clack)

I could hear faint footsteps for a second and as I turned to the left, I saw from where they came from.

-Mistress Evangaline…

The female slave that was standing next to me bowed suddenly in cold sweat towards the little girl who was holding an oversized teddy bear. She looked like an 8 year old to me, close to Stella’s age. She wore a frilly black dress and she also had silver hair like Chase, meaning she must be one of the people who are related to her. The little girl had a really bored expression on her face as she slowly walked down the hallway and just stopping in front of me with a confused look. Behind her stood a man with a deep scar covering his throat, he had a passive look on his face and very deep white grey skin. I could also smell rot on his body as he wore his butler clothing, I just knew he was already dead; his eyes had long since lost their color… Was he a ghoul? Zombie? Undead maybe? I already knew vampires weren’t undead because they sure as hell didn’t smell like this guy did.

-Meat bag, get out of my way.

The little girl said very coldly. Surprisingly, I could almost feel chills running down my spine until I felt a very hot radiating heat coming from behind… which was Hestia.

-Little girl, if I was you, I would be careful with who you’re talking to if you don’t want to get third degree burns…

I could see sparks fly between these two, they were literally ignoring me… one was ice cold and the other nova hot… why now?

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2 Responses to Chapter 64 Ice And Nova

  1. blastaf says:

    Thanks for the chapter o/ It’s been a long time :))

    Liked by 1 person

  2. vtkun says:

    thanks for the chapter /o/o/o/o/o/o/o// waiting for more


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