Outworld Chapter 31

Within a week the palisade soon was also finished.

The palisade was constructed with tree trunks making it very sturdy and tall. Wooden spikes were erected from the palisade walls to discourage any creature from trying to climb over giving it extra security.

We even took the extra effort to dig a wide trench and putting spikes underneath as well making it extra, extra secure so no animal would even think about trying to climb over.

There was only 1 entrance and exit which was the palisade fence gate. It was a bit heavy so opening it took a bit of time but it was secure which was all that mattered as stated already so many times.

Now with a secure wall between us and the wilderness. We finally had a space we could claim as our own and not worry too much about predators trying to hunt us for food.

It was also at this juncture that we could finally separate to do different projects.

With Merulia starting to tend towards making the crop farm while Serena would make the forge so she could start making some iron tools for us.

But before that was going to happen there was one thing Serena and I needed to do first.

Something we had been preparing for the entire week ever since I asked her for help to design the golem I was trying to make.

And today finally we were going to make it.

-Just one more rune and it will be finished.

I mumbled. Sitting on the ground holding the light green magic core as I traced my index finger around the magic core with a light blue concentrated light coming out of it as my magic power draw the runes into the magic core just like I did with enchantment.

But this was a bit different as well.

The magic core was an object that materialized inside a creature to give it the ability to use magic.

It was in many ways similar to how an Apprentice or Arcanist practiced magic.

But the main difference was that the magic core was not the creature’s soul as Apprentices and Arcanists cast their magic through the use of their soul and grew their ability to cast magic through cultivating their soul.

The soul of a creature and their magic core was separate. Meaning a creature couldn’t improve their magic the same way Arcanists could through meditation. Which made the magic core very unique as its only purpose was to give the creature the ability to use magic.

It’s for this function that the magic core could be used for many things.

Golem making being one of them. As I was in the middle of the process of changing the programming of the magic core and changing its internal workings, my understanding of runology was key here as the magic core even one as low grade as this was a very complex item.

It didn’t help that I had to do this with my naked eyes and bare hands to look into the magic core and draw the runes, it’s because of this that I had been so slow in my progress of making the golem compared to making other items with Alchemy both of which I studied for about the same time.

The only fortunate thing was I could still do it like this and didn’t necessarily require specialized tools though I swore multiple times for how long it took for me to make this because of how slow it was.

Furthermore, since I was a beginner. Making mistakes was just going to be unavoidable.

Luckily compared to Alchemy. Golem making was not as harsh to destroy the item if I made a mistake in the process. It would take time but I could still fix the mistake without any significant damage to the magic core.

-Finally done. And now for the last step.

I proceeded. Heading towards the last step as I had finally drawn the last rune and completely made sure that I had made no mistakes by briefly running my magic power through the magic core allowing it to flow continuously without any mistake or blockage.

The last step here was attunement which essentially meant becoming the golems official owner or master. It was a kind of procedure that made sure that only I would be able to control the golem and no one else.

The golem itself would also be able to draw from my own spiritual energy to recharge itself.

But it also had the basic function of recharging when it was not being in its summoned form aka the magic core.

The attunement process itself was the simplest part though as I merely needed to fully let my magic power go through the entire magic core and just like that I would be registered as the magic cores owner.

-And for the finale.

I whispered. Feeling my connection with the magic core.

Serena and Merulia quickly came over the moment I called for them.

They already knew what I was doing so they immediately understood what was going to happen now that I called them.

They both had excited looks on their faces. Especially Serena as it was her who made the design of the golem. In a sense this had now become the combined effort of both me and Serena even though I did most of the work to make it happen.

We gave it a name too. It being my first ever golem we decided to name it…

-Come forth! Primus!

I shouted out its name. Using a command chant to summon the golem.

At the same time, I threw the light green magic core up in the air in front of me as it started to shine brightly in all directions.

The bright light that was light green in color became more concentrated and before the magic core could fall to the ground it stopped midair hovering above ground as it basked everyone with its light.

It looked fantastical growing even greater as the magic core that was hovering above ground suddenly started to sprout vines from it.

It looked amazing at first, but the longer you looked at it, the more you started to feel how unnatural and weird it looked as the vines that grew out of the magic core started to overlay and wound around the magic core squirming like worms and pulsating like a living organ turning into a massive sphere.

This continued for a few more seconds the rate of vines growing like this increasing exponentially until finally the mass of vines in the shape of a sphere stopped at a size of 3 meters in diameter laying on the ground.

Merulia was the first to show a stumped look as she may have thought this was it, that this sphere was the golem we made.

But Serena and I were in the know so we still waited as the final transformation would now happen.

The sphere made out of vines started to wriggle and shake for a moment. Its internal structure still aligning I could guess.

But after what seemed like 5 seconds.

The wriggling and shaking suddenly stopped.

Before all of a sudden 4 limbs made out of vines sprung out of the sphere.

This sudden event made both Serena and Merulia jump as they took a few steps back.

Only I stayed where I was as I didn’t even want to miss a single moment of what I was seeing.

It only now finally started to look like what you think a golem would be the moment the 4 limbs came out.

2 legs and 2 arms, but no head as a head was not necessary since a golem didn’t require eyes to see or ears to hear as all of its basic functions came from its magic core.

As soon as its 4 limbs came out the golem or Primus finally decided not to lay on the ground anymore as it decided to stand in its legs instead.

And when it did. It’s already high height became even bigger as Primus when standing upright was a 5-meter-tall giant.

I was beyond amazed by what I was seeing. So were the girls as we all looking up at Primus who in turned seemed to look down at us even though it didn’t have a head.

More specifically though Primus seemed to be looking at me. Even though I couldn’t see its expression because it didn’t have a head. I could somehow understand that it was expected something from me through our connection, waiting…

-Ah…order…you are waiting for me to give you an order aren’t you?


Primus could neither confirm or deny as it was a dumb golem that had no intelligence to answer questions like that.

It did possess basic scripts that would make it react to certain situations.

For example, it would protect me if I ever was put in a dangerous situation and it would always try to protect itself if it was attacked.

All in varying degrees of priority with my and the girl’s protection being the highest even above its own life or rather virtual life.

It also had the ability to understand basic orders like following instructions and it also had the basic ability to fight, but only through physical means like punching, throwing or using a weapon as it was the physical attribute I focused on the most when making this golem and nothing else.

Ordinarily golems had their own unique abilities for which they were made for.

The golem I made fully focused solely on being big and strong and nothing else since I could not think of anything else we currently needed but someone who was really strong and could help us with labor.

It was also because making something big and strong was a lot easier in golem making then giving it any other abilities. And that still took almost a better half of a month for me to do.

The only ability it had besides being big and strong was the ability the Silver Chameleon possessed which was the ability to blend itself into any near vegetation and become nigh invisible if it stood still.

Though honestly it was hard to imagine something as big as this hiding which is why I didn’t put too much importance on that ability as it was just something I couldn’t do anything about and came with extra.

-So. Do we go test this guy out?

I turned to the girls.

To which they both smiled brightly before raising their arms into the air and shouting.


And with that we headed towards the exit of our now much more secure base.

Before we left though Serena wanted to give Primus something as she had been preparing and building it for the past few days in her free time just for this moment together with Merulia who also helped out.

What she ended up bringing out was a giant woven basket that had straps on it that made it look like a backpack.

It was going to be the thing Primus was going to use to carry all the stuff it would start carrying for us from today on.

It fit Primus extremely well. So well in fact that it made it look cute even. Though considering it was going to be our laborer maybe saying cute was not fitting.

Walking up to the palisade gate.

It would have ordinarily taken us a few minutes to open and close the gate.

But for Primus only 1 order was needed before it opened the gate within seconds and closed it in the same time.

Already it was showing its superior strength and the whole purpose it was created in the first place.

It because of this that I couldn’t stop myself from smiling as I already loved Primus.

I had already known I would love golem making.

But not to this extend as I just couldn’t stop looking at Primus and his massive figure.

-Though honestly. The expenditure on this guy isn’t a joke. He can at most only stay active for 4 hours until he needs to recharge for another 6 hours. The restriction he puts on me isn’t a joking matter either.

I mumbled. Grasping my chest as I felt my soul being restricted as Primus was putting quite a heavy load on it.

To keep the golem active, it not only needed energy, but it also needed someone to put his or her focus in them which was usually always the owner which was me.

What this focus did was cause a part of my soul to be temporarily occupied by the golem not allowing me to use that part of the soul.

What this meant for me was that some of my runes would be disabled because I could not use a part of my soul that inhabited them because of Primus.

It also decreased my maximum spiritual energy capacity to 1/5 as Primus was temporarily taking up 4/5 of it.

Such a small amount of spiritual energy would not be even enough to cast the body strengthening cantrip for even a few seconds, but then again I could not use it to begin with.

But it was not too bad since if I really wanted my runes back and the restriction released. I could just unsummon Primus to get them back at any time, though that would take a few seconds which was a buffering time that could be crucial if not lethal in some situations.

Meaning while Primus was active I could only rely on it and my Mechanical Crossbow.

Which meant I was putting myself in certain amount of danger whenever I was keeping Primus out as all.

I only hoped this was an accepted able amount of danger.

But whenever I looked at Primus who towered over me. I felt pretty safe as this giant already looked very assuring.

About Kakemonoko

Just a normal student who loves to read write and study
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